Robotic Surgery

ERUS Robotic Curriculum

As the role of robot-assisted surgery in urology is growing, the development of structured and validated training programs is one of the main topics to be taken into consideration by the urologic community.

Well-organised educational curricula, as well as proficiency-based credentialing processes are needed for today, and are of importance for the future of young urologists. Patient safety and better surgical outcomes depend on it. We sincerely hope this ERUS robotic curriculum will help all institutions and societies involved in robotic education to endorse these types of programmes. This initiative is fully endorsed by the EAU Executive, ESU, EUSP and ERUS.


The objective of the ERUS Robotic Curriculum is to validate the ability of a structured fellowship to allow a surgeon to perform a robot-assisted prostatectomy independently and effectively. The curriculum includes theoretical sessions, skills training (dry and wet laboratories), real-case observation in a training centre, bedside assistance, and mentored training at the console. Participants at the recognised host centres go through the developed curriculum in a staged manner (modular training), guided by a local mentor.


The flow chart of the study is reported below. The theoretical training includes the eBRUS and da Vinci surgical community online theoretical training. Practical experience is gained with virtual Skill SimulatorTM, dry & wet labs, including an intensive week of lab training at a selected training centre. A dual console enables mentors to teach the fellows during live procedure trainings. Throughout the curriculum the procedure is taught in a step-by-step manner (modular training). An assessment of the technical skills on simulator and dry lab is performed on days 1, 28, 35 and 180.

The mentors perform a final evaluation of the technical skills (GEARS). Non-technical skills were assessed by Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS) System and the Revised Non-technical skills (NOTECHS) scale. Specific training on non-technical skills is delivered during the sessions.

At the end of the fellowship, the fellows have to perform a case of radical prostatectomy independently. The full procedure is recorded and assessed by two blinded independent international experts. After effective completion of this curriculum, surgeons will be certified ERUS Robotic Fellows.

ORSI Trainee Course

ORSI Academy offers a 5-Day Course in Robotic Urology for fellows, residents and surgeons with advanced robotic exposure who want to learn to perform a RARP independently and effectively.

As fellow of the ERUS Robotic Curriculum, this 5-day course is mandatory.

Application procedure

If you are interested to apply for the ERUS Robotic Curriculum and the ORSI Skills Course, you may send an e-mail to Ms. Ilse Grotenbreg:

Each applicant should meet the following criteria:

  • EAU Membership of at least 6 months prior to application
  • Have at least 1 PubMed article
  • Must be in last 2 years of residency or a young fellow (until 7 years after residency)

Each application should provide the following documents:

  • up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (including list of publications)
  • a signed support letter from a referral ERUS Host-trainer confirming you are being trained according to the ERUS Robotic Curriculum Programme
  • a signed letter of the head of department of the home institute; stating that they will have access to the robot in the OR during and after the Fellowship

EAU Working Group Robotic Surgery

Chair: Alessandro Larcher
Iulia Andras
Carlo Andrea Bravi
Alberto Breda
Ruben de Groote
Paolo Dell’Oglio
Fabrizio Di Maida
Edward Lambert
Nikolaos Liakos
Marcio Moschovas
Alexander Mottrie
Federico Piramide
Filippo Turri
Henk van der Poel
Christian Wagner
Mike Wenzel
Christoph Wurnschimmel







For more information or requests, contact us here


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