Non-Technical Skills & Soft Skills

Non-technical skills are a major factor in surgical outcomes. Over 85% of adverse surgical events are due to ‘system errors’, unrelated to technical skill. 40% of intra-operative errors are related to failures in communication alone. The main categories of surgical non-technical skills include situational awareness, decision making, communication, teamwork and leadership.

Non-technical skills are not innate but require training and practice throughout a surgeon’s career. The EAU Working Group on Non-Technical and Soft Skills is developing a comprehensive curriculum. This will provide a programme of training to enable urologists to recognise, develop and optimise their non-technical skills and promote safe, effective surgery.

EAU Working Group Non-Technical and Soft Skills

Chair: Nicholas Raison
Iulia Andras
Cristina Bujoreanu
Ben Van Cleynenbreugel
Cyrille Guillot-Tantay
Stefan Haensel
Alessio Pecorario
Giorgio Russo
Gigi Zanovello


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