Laparoscopic training

Step 1

Read more on Basic Laparoscopy skills here

Step 2

Read more on intermediate Laparoscopy training with complex tasks here

Step 3

Read more on advanced Laparoscopy training with complex tasks here


With surgical training, the goal is to produce a surgeon who is highly competent and confident in performing laparoscopic procedures; and thereby mitigate the risks of complications. Because of the specific risks, visuospatial relationships, and the steep learning curve that are unique to laparoscopy, hands-on training on a box or visual simulator is the recommended way to start learning laparoscopic skills.

Successful completion of the exam after a step will allow you to proceed to the next step of the training.

The EAU Working Group on Laparoscopic Surgery is currently developing and validating a structured intermediate laparoscopic curriculum (LUSs2). After a thorough cognitive task analysis and Delphi consensus on 5 intermediate procedures (VU Anastomosis, Hilum Dissection, Major Vessel Injury Repair, Renal Tumour Enucleation, Pyeloplasty) we are developing and validating training protocols based on the best practice and conclusions. Simultaneous models will be developed and validated for supporting these intermediate task to be performed in the near future within the EAU/ESU.

EAU Working group laparoscopy

Chair: Patricia Zondervan
Loic Baekelandt
Willem Brinkman
Eliza Cristina Bujoreanu
Diego Carrion
Juan Gomez Rivas
Giovannalberto Pini
Tiago Ribeiro de Oliveira
Moises Rodríguez Socarrás
Tomasso Silvestri
Heleen de Vries


If you want to join or organise a course on local level, please contact your national society or institution.



For more information or requests, contact us here


List of events, see here